Join and Support ZAHDIP. Making an impact in mitigating hearing loss in Kitwe, Zambia.
Make a Life-Changing Difference
Your support can transform the lives of vulnerable individuals in Kitwe, Zambia, who cannot afford the costs of audiometric testing and hearing aids.
The Need is Real
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Zambia has a hearing loss prevalence of 6%. In Kitwe alone, this means that:
- 47,000 people are living with hearing loss
- 17,000 cannot afford hearing care services
Your Donation Can Help
By making a small donation, you can help us cover the costs of audiometric testing for those who cannot afford it. And, thanks to our generous partners – Bath SpecSaver Store, GN Hearing Aids, and the Bath Rotary Club – clients who are diagnosed with hearing loss will also receive free hearing aids
Payment Information.
You can also deposit into:
Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 309897
Account Number 62601863
Gift Aid Reference No. ZD22025